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And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.Ecclesiastes 4:12

As Church, we are praying, believing and puruing God to lead us to into partnership with many Local Churches and coperate bodies and individuals to carry out the vision amd the mission God has put before us. We believe in the unity of the saints. We are also asking all and sundry to partner with us for the common purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Relationship Tips.

Tip 1.
If your husband or your wife to be love and fear God more than you, praise God, no matter the storms , tsunamis, volcanoes and the hurricanes, the relationship would work.

If your husband or your wife to be love, adore and fear you more than God, no matter how far from you the storms, tsunamis, volcanoes and the hurricanes are, the relationship would not work. RUN FROM HIM OR HER BEFORE THE WORSE HAPPENS.

Tip 2.
If your husband or your wife to be came to the relationship with a preconceive knowledge about relationship, he or she wants his or her needs to be met. When that needs are met, that is all, nothing is left only hatred. You now becomes his or her burden. RUN FROM HIM OR HER.

Tip 3.
This is from my Pastor Kakule Lolwako Bonane, if the girl talks back when you the man had made the tough decision, or the girl tries to manipulate you the guy in anyway, ummm RUN FAR FROM HER.

Tip 4.
There is a saying that " if he or she loves you that much, he or she would not has left the first time. From experiences, if he or she comes back, that shows that you were meant for each other. The prodigal son came home when he came to himself. That is why there is forgiveness. ACCEPT HIM OR HER.

Tip 5.
From my experiences, i have come to the truth that love, peace, joy, happiness and trust in a relationship or family is far precious than money, beauty, profession, etc. GOD always gives us what we need, but we MEN most often disobey God because of what friends and society might say and go for what we want, then disaster. NEVER DISOBEY GOD AGAIN. ACCEPT WITH A CHEERFUL HEART WHAT GOD GIVES YOU.

Tip 6.
Many often, men want to do the right thing, stay focus and obey God. Men be MEN, I say it again be MEN. Had Adam had stay focus, sin would not have entered into the world. Had Abraham had stay focus and not listen to the wife to go into her made, continue...... WHEN THE TOUGH DECISION COMES, BE A MAN, MAKE IT. YOU ARE THE MAN. Jesus Christ never healed a blind woman, always blind men. If you the man is blind, it does not matter how good or clear the woman can see, both would fall in the pit. PERIOD. I am MOG.


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